Friday 7 September 2018

F1 முதல் F12 வரையிலான keys ன் பயன்பாடுகள்:

F1 key has been used for the Help menus in almost all programs. 

F2 key allows us to modify the name of the file or folder you have selected at that time.  

F3 key allows direct access to the search box form. 

F4 key with alt key allows us to close an open program and also it does the last action. (like Ctrl+V action or Ctrl+Z action) 

F5 key is widely used in the Internet field to refresh the page 

F6 key allows access to browser address bar without using a mouse

F7 key for spelling check in MS word and to navigate web pages like MS word (Turn on/off Caret Mode).

F8 key for boot functions.

F10 Shift+ F10 key gives right click.

F11 key shows full-screen mode of browser, folder and PDF files.

F12 key Opens Save as dialog in MS Office

Some Shortcuts:

Ctrl+Shift+T = Opens last closed tab in browser
Ctrl+T          = Opens new tab in browser
Ctrl+W        = Closes current tab in browser
Ctrl+Tab      = Moves through each of the open tab in browser
Alt+ Tab      = Moves through each of the open program in the  task    bar
Shift+F3      = Converts word from small letter to Capital letter in MS Office
Ctrl+D         = Select the word and press this combination for formatting the fonts in MS Office. 

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